ࡱ> AD@ bjbjVV H*<<$..-----G.I.I.I.I.I.I./t2TI.I.--^. --G.G.(_*-T- 3)3.t.0.K)220_*_*2s*I.I..2 :  CURRICULUM COMMITTEE MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF MARCH 8, 2011 3:30 P.M., THE LOFT OF THE GUILLOT UNIVERSITY CENTER The ϲʹ Curriculum Committee met at 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, March 8, 2011, in The Loft of the Guillot University Center. The following members were present: Dr. Birdie Bailey, Dr. Dan Hallock for Dr. Jana Beaver, Dr. Sharon Campbell, Dr. Tom Coates, Dr. Melvin Davis, Dr. Vagn Hansen, Dr. Donna Jacobs, Dr. Anna Lott, Dr. Janice Myhan, Dr. Lesley Peterson, Dr. Patricia Roden, Dr. John Thornell, Dr. Laura Williams, and Ms. Lisa Burton for Dr. Sue Wilson. Dr. Bob Garfrerick, Vice Chairperson, presided. Attending as guests were: Greg Pitts, Lisa Keys-Mathews, Ron Smith, and Craig Robertson. Approval of the minutes of the meeting of February 1, 2011 Dr. Roden moved approval and Dr. Williams seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. Status of Area V as part of the General Education Component By consensus, it was agreed that the General Education Component at ϲʹ consists of 41 hours of general education courses as prescribed in Areas I-IV. College deans will communicate to department chairs that in next years catalog revisions, Area V requirements should be moved outside of the General Education Component. At a future Council of Academic Deans meeting, the formatting of the catalog that will be used will be determined. Consideration of the request from the Department of Communications for the addition of COM 205 as a possible General Education (Area IV) candidate course in accordance with STARS/AGSC specifications Dr. Coates moved approval and Dr. Peterson seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. Consideration of the request from the Department of English for a new course: EN 466/566 Dr. Peterson moved approval and Dr. Campbell seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. Consideration of the request from the Department of English for a revision to the CLEP credit awarded for first-year composition Dr. Roden moved approval and Dr. Campbell seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. Consideration of the request from the Department of Geography for a new course: GE 404 Dr. Campbell moved approval and Dr. Coates seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. Consideration of the request from the Department of Criminal Justice for the addition of a course fee for CJ 406 Dr. Coates moved approval and Dr. Roden seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. It was noted that this is a good example of how a fee reflects back to the expense of the course. Consideration of the request from the Department of Management and Marketing for changes to prerequisites for the following courses: MG 340, MG 345, MG 350, MG 371, MG 391, MK 425, MG 440, MG 485, MG 491, MK 491, MG 494, MK 455, MK 479, MK 498 Dr. Campbell moved approval and Dr. Peterson seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. Consideration of the request from the Department of Management and Marketing for changes to course title/description: MG 371 Dr. Coates moved approval and Dr. Campbell seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. Consideration of the request from the Department of Management and Marketing for changes to Entrepreneurship concentration of the Professional Management major Dr. Campbell moved approval and Dr. Coates seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. Consideration of the request from the Department of Management and Marketing for the removal of cross-listings for the following courses: MG/MK 340, MG/MK 391, MG/MK 425, MG/MK 440, MG/MK 491, MG/MK 494 which will result in the following courses: MG 340, MG 391, MK 425, MG 440, MG 491, MK 491, MG 494 Dr. Coates moved approval and Dr. Williams seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. Consideration of the request from the Department of Management and Marketing for revised course description: MG 440 Dr. Coates moved approval and Dr. Roden seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. Consideration of the request from the College of Nursing for revisions to admission and progression/retention requirements Dr. Campbell moved approval and Dr. Coates seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. Consideration of the request from the Directors of Women Studies for a new area of emphasis within the Bachelor of Interdisciplinary Studies degree: Womens Studies Dr. Peterson moved approval and Dr. Coates seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. Upon motion by Dr. Coates and second by Dr. Roden, the meeting adjourned at 4:15 p.m. ________________________________________ Bob Garfrerick, Vice Chairperson 18>BCKT[twx鼰|qf[PEhLh?:CJaJhLh#^CJaJhLhgCJaJhLh>tCJaJhLh$CJaJhjyCJaJhLh:rCJaJhLhtCJaJhLhVCJaJhLh;NCJaJhLh?:5CJaJhLh#^5CJaJhLhV5CJaJhLhg5CJaJhjy5CJaJhLh,`X5CJaJhLh,`XCJaJ?uvw   l m b c *+WX^gdjygdjy `gdIgdI HgdI ' ; a q   / = > C X Y n o p u y | ̶߶̕׊נsg[hLh?:>*CJaJhLhI>*CJaJhLhI>*CJaJhLh?:CJaJhLhpCJaJhLhK(CJaJhLhgCJaJhLh>tCJaJhLhY:CJaJhLhtCJaJhLh#^CJaJhjyCJaJhLhCJaJhLh,`XCJaJhLh_CJaJ#    ) 0 l m a b )VW?@t:;2$#$|Ե̡̖̖̖̖̖̖̖̖̖̖̖̖̎h:;hjyCJaJheCJaJhjyhjyCJaJhGCJaJhjyhjy>*䴳LI>*䴳L䴳j䴳LI䴳L;䴳LI>*䴳j>*䴳3;<12#$$%^gdjygdjy{|JKLMN} `gdI `gdI^gdegde^gdjygdjy(@ABCDJKLMNy|޵˭քyynhLheCJaJhLhCJaJhLh,`XCJaJhLh$mCJaJhLhLCJaJhLCJaJh$mCJaJhLhCJaJhLh<CJaJhLhCCJaJheCJaJhLh5CJaJhjyhe>*CJaJhjyheCJaJF 00P&P:p2GBP/ =!"#$% Dp^ 2 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~_HmH nH sH tH D`D Normal1$CJ_HhmH sH tH @@  Heading 1$ `@&>*DD  Heading 2$ `@&>*CJDA D Default Paragraph FontViV  Table Normal :V 44 la (k (No List <& < Footnote Reference6B6 Body Text>*CJ<P< Body Text 2dCJ>Q"> Body Text 3  `>*H2H  Balloon TextCJOJQJ^JaJN@BN >`r List Paragraph7$8$^aJhPK![Content_Types].xmlj0Eжr(΢Iw},-j4 wP-t#bΙ{UTU^hd}㨫)*1P' ^W0)T9<l#$yi};~@(Hu* Dנz/0ǰ $ X3aZ,D0j~3߶b~i>3\`?/[G\!-Rk.sԻ..a濭?PK!֧6 _rels/.relsj0 }Q%v/C/}(h"O = C?hv=Ʌ%[xp{۵_Pѣ<1H0ORBdJE4b$q_6LR7`0̞O,En7Lib/SeеPK!kytheme/theme/themeManager.xml M @}w7c(EbˮCAǠҟ7՛K Y, e.|,H,lxɴIsQ}#Ր ֵ+!,^$j=GW)E+& 8PK!Ptheme/theme/theme1.xmlYOo6w toc'vuر-MniP@I}úama[إ4:lЯGRX^6؊>$ !)O^rC$y@/yH*񄴽)޵߻UDb`}"qۋJחX^)I`nEp)liV[]1M<OP6r=zgbIguSebORD۫qu gZo~ٺlAplxpT0+[}`jzAV2Fi@qv֬5\|ʜ̭NleXdsjcs7f W+Ն7`g ȘJj|h(KD- dXiJ؇(x$( :;˹! 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